Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bomgar Remote Support

Bomgar, a famous name for remote support, maximizes the computing age by providing a system to companies which enables people and companies to communicate with each other for support, assistance, file transfer, connection, chat, session recording and many others.

With Bomgar, one needs not be physically in the location to achieve work goals. Remote support and assistance transgress geographical distance thereby enhancing productivity, profitability and more efficient, responsive support among companies or between companies and their clients; or between companies and their IT support team.

Bomgar enables companies to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction significantly while cutting costs on fare and accommodation expenses. Having a support that is always virtually present all the time is a satisfying assurance for the receiving end and that work goals can be achieved faster together.

How it works

Bomgar is a remote control system which connects the host and a client to a racked appliance or a virtual server through firewalls. A Firewall is a part of a computer network system which Bomgar utilizes for its remote support process. It designed to permit authorized communications and block unauthorized access to computers.

Bomgar’s file transfer and sharing works behind the firewalls thus enabling remote support. It serves as a mediator between the organization and entities outside. Bomgar initiates the connection from the user’s system to its appliance on a standard port, enabling the client and the technician at far distances to establish control using outbound connections.

Outbound connection is similar to surfing the web. Firewall blocks inbound traffic but allows outbound. That is why, Bomgar can connect even if no changes are made in existing Firewall configuration.

The architecture that Bomgar uses comes handy, manageable, integrated and secure. Bomgar enables the technician to start remote support and control to servers, computers, smartphones and other network devices over the internet even without pre-installed client system.

Bomgar runs not only in Windows but to all supported platforms inside or outside the network. It works on either attended or unattended servers and computers. The Bomgar system is run when a customer requests support and it uninstalls after the remote control session ends.

Bomgar also supports multi-user. More than one person in an organization can run Bomgar including vendors, IT team, customer support and service desk. Thus, it promotes better collaboration and utilization.

Corporate mission and vision

Though their perspective is diligent work, the company’s mission is founded in the belief that God owns ultimate results. Bomgar’s headquarters displays Psalm 127 “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain."

Bomgar’s mission is to virtualize every support rep and IT professional worldwide thus the remote support systems. Its vision is to honor God by applying Biblical principles in relation to employees, customers and financial dealings.


Bomgar is commited to deliver realistic business in its appliance-based, remote support. Numerous companies already deploy Bomgar’s solutions to improve operational efficiency, customer loyalty and competitiveness.

Bomgar regularly hosts Customer Advisory Boards (CAB) to understand customer needs better. It also creates forums for the Bomgar Community and user group meetings to exchange insights and ideas for the current Bomgar systems as well as future IT remote support needs. You ask and Bomgar listens.

If you like to take advantage of your present infrastructure, lower support costs and use single remote support solution in multiple areas without compromising security, Bomgar has the solution. While this is a sponsored post and the thoughts are self-owned, see more about Bomgar Remote Desktop Support Software and Remote Desktop Access for Mac by visiting their website at www.bomgar.com/remotedesktopaccess and www.bomgar.com.

University of Redlands – More Than Just Quality Education

University of Redlands, a private independent institution in southern California which was founded in 1907 to provide quality education has a variety of courses for one to choose from to achieve his dreams of earning a degree.

Campus location and size

University of Redlands in its urban setting has a campus size of 160 acres with about 2,950 undergraduate enrollees who aim to have quality education. Redlands University utilizes a 4-1-4-based academic calendar.

The university commits to provide a personalized education so students are free to make enlightened choices. It emphasizes a curricular diversity, academic rigor and innovative teaching. By challenging stereotypes and assumptions in its activities and classes, Redlands University encourages a pluralistic notion of values.

Education at Redlands University

An education at University of Redlands is one that transgresses training and leads the students to have a reflective understanding of the world from knowledge to meaning or from information to insight.

Students of diverse backgrounds, nationality, ethnic and religion are welcome in the University of Redlands. Part of the school’s quality education program is an exceptional chance for student interaction and leadership molding them to become responsible citizens.

Classes are small-populated for students to receive adequate attention, closely work with professors and actively participate in class discussions. Redlands keeps an eye on society challenges and trends to enable its students to be in a lifetime of learning.

Redlands University has a campus-housing for students stay especially the international students. Activities and classes are held in the main Redlands campus.

Working adults and graduate studies

Working adults and working professionals are given the chance to pursue their studies with Redlands’ programs which are innovative and convenient. For graduation, University of Redlands’ quality education combines professional programs and liberal arts, theoretical and applied studies so as self-designed contracts and traditional majors. There also is an elevated learning experience designed to the needs of people on the go.

Redlands offers a distinctive graduate program such as advanced degrees in communicative disorders, music and geographic information systems. Graduate students have the chance to study with a faculty who are committed to teaching and are nationally and internationally recognized as experts in their fields.

Be a part of Redlands University

If you ever want to jumpstart your career by working in a workplace of positive, interesting, smart people, fill in some school positions and be part of an environment of fun learning and living.

Recognition and Ranking

University of Redlands with its quality education programs has been acknowledged as an A+ school and among the top 10 western regional universities having one of the lowest ratios of student-faculty by the U.S. News and World Report.

The school also was lauded by the Chronicle of Higher Education for its high percentage of undergraduate scholars of Fulbright. Forbes ranked University of Redlands as top 5% of colleges nationwide.

Talk about Redlands’ time-honored tradition of knowledge, heart and passion for the betterment of the world and this institution has countless feathers of its cap as a product of its noble effort.

This post is sponsored but the thoughts are my own. Know more about University of Redlands as one of California Colleges and a California Business College in www.chooseredlands.com and www.chooseredlands.com/urLanding_sb.aspx.